
Types of counseling we provide

We offer three categories of strategic services to help you cultivate well-being and build a healthy mind.

Get ready to create a life you'll ENJOY

therapy counseling
DBT State-Certified Program

Evidence-based treatment to find your way through your jumbled up thoughts and emotion-driven choices. Here, you learn how to do different.

individual therapy counseling

General 1-on-1 Individual Therapy

In-person: Monday, Tuesday

TeleMed: Wednesday, Thursday

Online therapy counseling
Online Courses

- Coming Soon -

DBT Dialectical Behaviour therapy counseling

LGBTQ+ State-Certified Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) Program


Imagine building a life you actually enjoy, aligned with your values, and knowing what to do when you feel stuck in an emotion so you can get out and keep moving forward.

A DBT- Dialectical Behavioral Therapy - program lasts a year and involves a weekly 1-on-1 individual therapy session and a DBT- Dialectical Behavioral Therapy - program group that teaches you how to build that life you want. An added bonus is with this program you have access to your therapist 24/7 for phone coaching so you know you're doing it right - in the moment of struggles -  and don't feel so alone as you make the transformation from survival to thriving. 



Individual Therapy

Talk | Gain Insight | Direction

Connection is best created 1-on-1. And we are so thankful to be back in office part-time. And we are also thankful for the flexibility TeleMed sessions provide.

General, 1-on-1, individual therapy sessions either in person and via HIPAA-compliant Zoom.

Online Courses for therapy counseling

Online Courses

Your Learning  | Your Pace  |  get better

If you're interested in dealing with your anxiety or depression, but don't want to do therapy, this is your ticket.


If you're looking to learn DBT skills online - not to participate in a DBT program or a group, these courses are what you're looking for.

Healthy Minds (HM) also is creating an online community for those interested in building the lives they will enjoy living in a healthy online community. All HM DBT graduates have a lifetime access to this community. All others are welcome to participate through membership.


AP found themself

Taboos + Truth 

I'm non-binary AFAB and have historically struggled talking about my queer life and the specifics unique to me and being queer with  therapists because they've all been straight. I was able to talk about taboo topics with C easily and she got it. Our work helped me make sense of myself and my values within my relationships, she just helped me put my life together in a really concrete way with DBT skills. Outstanding clinical work with warmth. She'll guide you through the work you need to do, but be ready to transform your life - she's always kind but she's not gonna play around. Ima get that online course tho!

Carin Osvog give all types of counseling

Struggle trusting myself and others I hated my job, I hated my life. 

I had such a deep sense of loss with the pandemic. I really thought I'd be further along in my life right now. I felt discontent with, like, everything and so . . . sad. Working through it all helped me know myself better so I knew it was the job that needed to go. And with the job went the constant dread and weight I carried around with me. Healthy Minds helped me change my life. Get the help you need. You're in the right place.

Ready to work together?

Reach out here ➔


Leading: Courage Culture of Creativity

Every Thursday during consultation team we do a “Check-In” and I thought introducing you to the tool could be helpful as a way to orient both yourself and the people around you to the culture of courage you're wanting to build as a way of doing life.

Top 6 Things DBT Could Do For You

Dialectical behavioral therapy, or DBT, is a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy that can be incredibly effective in treating a wide range of mental health disorders. Here are six ways that DBT can help you improve your life

counseling types

The Top 6 Things Successful Therapy Clients Have In Common

When you first start therapy, everyone wants a guarantee it's actually going to work. You understandably want to know that you aren't going to be wasting your time, energy, and money on something ineffective. Here is what you can do as a client to maximize your chances of success and minimize failure. These six characteristics are quite common—the vast majority of clients do them and consequently, feel better.